12 Tips for teaching learn to row

Things you wish you’d been told or learned earlier before teaching learn to row. You’ll never stop learning because this is rowing – it’s normal!


03:00 Marlene’s first learn to row class 1982.

12 tips you need

07:30 Use lifting a box to demonstrate the stroke sequence.

09:00 Port is on the right. Port wine is red, red is right (both start with R).

09:45 Tension – how comfortable are they on the water.

11:00 You won’t get fit learning to row. It’s mental and technical. Mental – relax enjoy the view.

13:00 Comfort in the boat drills -sit at the catch. Be aware of where your body weight is. Can you feel your feet, seat, and oars against the oar locks?

15:30 Let day one be about experiencing on the water. Demonstrate what a full stroke looks like. Get full strokes in. Be in the boat on day one not on the rowing machine

18:30 Have helpers. First impressions of rowing. Load up your staff for the first day and give attendees assurance and individual attention.

20:30 Don’t try too hard. Let them row the way they want to. Check people don’t get into a situation they cannot get out of. Wedged against the bank in a lx on a windy day. Use a rope if they are very tentative.

24:15 Make sure you can see all your athletes simultaneously.

24:45 Don’t talk too much. One thing at a time.

21:00 Rowing is fun but safety is serious. Highlight the safety features of the boat. Spatial awareness is low when learning something new.

29:40 Rowing lingo – use some but not too much. You’ll never stop learning to row. Enjoyment, safety, you want big smiles and a sense of achievement at the end of each lesson.