
Competitive Self-Coaching

That voice in your head is a compelling coach, a guide and sometimes a critic.

You know how it goes… you’re sculling along focused on a technical point, like squaring early. And as you row, sometimes there’s a good stroke and sometimes a less good stroke.

What does the voice in your head do?

Does it critique you? Or is it supportive, quietly reminding you to square early? What happens after a while… does it go quiet? Or does it shout loudly about your (in)competence?

Mostly adults are ultra-critical of themselves.

This does not help you to learn. If you can cultivate objective remarks rather than subjective value-judgements you’ll find that your voice in your head can be an asset to your rowing.

Adult learning method

When adults learn rowing (or anything new) they do not learn in the same way as young people. This is a core module in our upcoming Masters Coaching Certification course. When you coach masters, you have to understand their mindset to be an effective coach.

If you’re an athlete, you can learn how to leverage self-coaching in the Sculling Intensive course.

Sculling intensive virtual clinic.

This is self-guided learning to build your skills (regardless of whether you are experienced or a beginner). EVERYONE who’s taken the course has learned how to improve their technique and skill in a single scull.