World record at 95 years old

Marlene talks to Hans Brunner and Dean Smith about erg racing. Dean Smith’s indoor rowing world record at 95 years old


00:00 Introduction
01:35 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing Erg Racing Webinar announcement
03:00 Welcome to Hans Brunner, 71, and Dean Smith, 95, training partners
03:25 Hans tells about his rowing background and about being part of the first generation of masters rowers
08:30 The formation of their current erg training group
09:30 The importance of motivation from the group and having accountability partners
13:13 Dean Smith introduces himself
14:25 Dean started rowing at 80 at the Rocky Mountain Rowing Club
16:05 Dean tells about his first on the water experience in the boat, racing, and international competition
20:15 How Dean started erg racing
21: 55 Preparation for his world record row at the Huntsman World Senior Games
24:50 Dean trains every day; likes high intensity work
27:40 Dean’s warm up and how he paced his race
31:40 Importance of discipline in your race
33:50 The toughest part of the race
35:26 The start
36:55 Getting ready for Crash-B’s next
37:25 Dean’s tips for longevity in training
40:50 Importance of individual goals
42:20 Dean say coaching is key
42:45 The importance of rest
44:10 Dean says he is still learning at 95

Dean’s record

Huntsman World Senior Games
(Indoor rowing results)
Oct 4, 2021 To Oct 16, 2021, St George, Utah (USA)
Hosted By: Huntsman World Senior Games
Dean Smith: First place, setting a new world record by more than 30 seconds in the 95-99 year-old lightweight men 2000m event, which earned him the Overall Championship award. In addition, Dean won gold in the 5000m event, held the previous day.

Marlene discusses erg racing with Dean Smith – World Champion age 95

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