Foot connection in rowing

Feet on the footboard | Tips, advice and discussion from Marlene Royle and Rebecca Caroe.
– How the foot pressure changes through the rowing stroke.
– Drills to practice foot connection


01:00 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing.
We will be speaking at the US Rowing Convention (virtual) on An Inclusive Vision for the Future of Masters Rowing.

06:40 How the foot pressure changes through the rowing stroke.

The goal is to move the oar handle using the kinetic chain.
Pushing onto the heels during the power phase. The heel connection happens naturally.
If you push with quads to initiate then as you add the heels it transfers into the glutes.

15:00 Drills to practice foot connection

Focus on the last third of the drive – activate the heels and glutes
At the end of the drive phase, do you point your toes? or keep heels down?
Keeping the suspension and stying up through the drive is best.
19:00 Get the right size shoes – if your calves hit the deck.
Shoes and foot flexion during the drive phase are important. The carbon sole rowing shoe helps your foot perform better – allows your toes to spread as pressure comes onto the feet.
27:00 Bont Rowing offer – will be shared with everyone on our newsletter list this week

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– Browse the range, select products and add to cart.

– Head to checkout and use account email. Discount of 15% will be automatically applied.

28:00 Feet on the erg – do they come away from the foot stretcher?

29:00 More Drills to practice foot connection

– Rowing quarter slide from the release. Try to stand up in your shoes
– Feet out rowing and square blades. Note where you lose pressure on your feet and try to move the timing closer to the finish.
– Timing the release off your foot pressure. when you lose connection, take the oar out of the water.
– Can you hold the foot pressure as you make the turn around the finish?
– Recovery when you start to square, make sure you ave a good connection with the foot stretcher
– Row one foot in the shoe and one out – are they different? Swap.
37:00 Caryn Davies recommended rowing on the erg feet out for all rates lower than 26.

Caryn Davies

Adjust the heel cup height – does it give you better contact?
Equal pressure on blade – feet – handle through the stroke
