Functional Movement Assessment for Masters

A free webinar by Faster Masters Rowing on 27th January 2022.

Test yourself

When you sign up there’s a free ebook for you to download which details all the 10 tests to do on your own body. On the webinar we will run through exercises and stretching you can do to improve your mobility and flexibility on each of the 10 tests.

Book Tickets

The event is run via Eventbrite so sign up for your tickets today.

Functional Movement Assessment webinar for masters rowing
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What you will learn

How flexible is your body? Does it help or hinder your rowing and sculling? Learn how to test yourself and what you need to do to improve.

Our bodies naturally undergo changes in coordination, balance, muscle strength, and joint range of motion as we age.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The 10 screening exercises
  • Identify the key movements needed for rowing
  • What you may need to give attention to in order to improve your stroke.
  • How to improve your movement