How to Run a Recreational Rowing Group


02:30 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing. The March programs are ready including a focus on the pelvis and how to use it in rowing and sculling. Hip and pelvic mobility exercises.
08:00 Sponsor this week by the Rowing Directory including new listings for Glide Boat, The Flying Boatman, Shell Covers Australia, Adirondack Rowing and Trophy Oars

The Recreationals at Trafford Rowing Club

09:45 The Recreationals at Trafford Rowing Club – Susie Loates is the Vice Captain responsible for the group.
11:30 A recreational rower is anyone who does not want to commit to the full training plan of the racing squads. Members are parents, professionals with busy jobs and shift workers.
13:00 We seek a good technical row in sculling boats.

How to organise a recreational rowing group

15:00 The Group uses to book boats with up to 19 sessions available per week. We are welcome and a recognised part of the club.
16:30 How are sessions broken down – is a technical point or a workout set?
We arrange to out out 4-5 times a week.
Anyone can coach and we are encouraged to help other rowers.
Treated as an equal rower from day one.
19:30 The explore series of races. Uses stable 4x. These are 300 meter dashes races.

Advice for starting a recreational group

23:00 Advice for starting a recreational group.
Approach your committee or club leadership. You want a fair time on the water and a fair allocation of boats and equipment. Seen as the equal t racing squads.
25:30 Has the group got a leader? Susie has a rough plan for the group.
Membership fees are £25 per month for everyone in the club.

How to run a recreational rowing group – Susie Loates
How to run a recreational rowing group – Susie Loates