How to Select a Camp

Choose a rowing camp that suits your needs | Faster Masters Rowing Radio


01:00 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing.
Doing race debriefs after a big event helps to decide future priorities.

06:00 Faster Five – Technique.

how to get set up properly in the boat – adjustments to make.
Going faster by not slowing down.
08:00 Developing new speed – improve what you already have.
Improve the quality – makes rowing more fun.
10:00 Do the basics really well.
Are you getting your blades off the water?
Rowing harder and maintain technique.
Rowing harder in difficult conditions.
Rowers have to maintain the same quality under conditions of fatigue and pressure.
You can always do drills stationary, even if you are tired.

16:30 Camps for rowing

A change is as good as a rest.
Reasons to go on camp.
Training – get a good block of hard work done.
New challenges – a new coach, new lineup, longer distance,
Crew Selections – get your lineups right for racing
Fitness – get fitter and stronger

17:50 Sweep or Sculling camp?
Single scull or team boats?
How much do you want to spend $$ and How much time away do you want?
Consider the time split between rowing and tourism – you can bring your non-rowing partner who can do wine tasting, another sport, cycling, walking.
Look at your local area – can you camp locally?
Or a weekend camp at your own club? Row twice on Saturday and Sunday.

22:00 Find a camp and find a rowing coach at the rowing directory

You will learn a lot from a new coaching voice – their focus can be revealing.
How they teach is important when making your choice. What is the coach’s outlook?

26:00 Go on camp as part of your race preparation – book in a few days or a week ahead of a big regatta.
Camp as a retreat
Camp as travel
Camp for competition
29:00 Fine boats versus restricted boats versus clinker boats.
