
Coach Certification

Masters Coaching Academy – certification for rowing coaches

The world’s first coaching certification for masters rowing.

Each year more masters start rowing. Many are new to the sport, the need for experienced, skilful coaches is growing. You are likely already coaching masters or interested in expanding your coaching practice to include older athletes. You are in the right place.

Masters need coaches who can skilfully explain, guide and advise on rowing and sculling; on fitness and flexibility; on rigging and boat set-up; on motivation and goal setting.

Masters are not youth rowers. We need a different approach that reflects our experience in life, our goals for rowing practice and a teaching method that engages us in the process. 

Take the Masters Rowing Academy Coaching Certification course, it is 100% virtual – all lessons are online and can be completed in your own timezone. 

8 modules of detailed content 

  • Set up and administer your group
  • Get the right equipment
  • Learn how to teach older athletes
  • Understand how they learn, what motivates and rewards them
  • How to keep your group safe

After learning how to coach masters the rewards will flow to you and your club – your athletes will work hard for you, you will enjoy their challenges and together you will progress.

For club administrators and boards, this course will help you support your coaches, it will enable you to run and administer a successful masters group. You need to take advantage of the opportunity masters present, as a cookie-cutter approach will probably fail. Understand the scope and limitations of a group of older adults and you will set up your club to succeed. To make the most of this diverse and rewarding group of athletes who will give back to the club for many, many years.

Your coaches

  • Rebecca Caroe is an expert masters rowing coach, she teaches adult learn to row classes and has developed hundreds of masters into confident scullers in singles and crew boats. Her understanding of how adults learn and clear instruction is the core to learning correctly the first time.
  • Marlene Royle has coached masters sculling extensively since 1982. Her ability to communicate and teach adults has helped both competitors and those who focus on health and fitness develop the skills they need to become accomplished scullers.

After completing this coaching course you will

  1. Be a certified masters coach
  2. Understand how to safely lead your group of rowers
  3. Know the best ways to teach adults
  4. Have knowledge of adaptations for older athletes
  5. Be confident guiding experienced rowers and also novices

Ticket price $275

Your ticket gives lifetime access training and resource materials

Course content

Eight modules of detailed lessons:

  1. Masters Coaching Philosophy
  2. Safety for older athletes
  3. Teaching and Learning – how adults differ
  4. Technique 
  5. Rigging 
  6. Physiology
  7. Training methodology
  8. How to run a masters program

Course pre-requisites: You are expected to already have experience teaching rowing and sculling, ideally have a Level 2 coach qualification. This course will not teach you rowing, it will help you adjust your coaching to suit a group of older athletes.


“It’s a very comprehensive programme – a great deal of work has gone into it and it is very professionally presented. Experienced coaches coming through from schools or clubs the material will find the advice on the differences they might need to make when coaching adults especially useful.

Allan Vester, St George Rowing Club, NZ.

All prices are in US$. If you are in New Zealand, they include GST.