Running a good club that balances the needs of different training groups can be challenging. Too often masters groups come into conflict, and it’s frequently with the juniors group.
Nothing salves the wounds of rowing club conflicts. They are raw, emotional and rarely resolved.
Build a successful Rowing Club with masters and juniors – Sign Up Below
How to stop the rivalry and build a profitable collaboration
Rowing clubs always have groups with different priorities. This webinar will show you ways to balance their needs, ways to smooth the path each desires and get mutually beneficial outcomes.
More importantly, you will have a framework for running your club into the future.
- Sporting success (performance) is a byproduct of a viable, functioning club, not the sole focus!
- “Not for profit” is a tax status, not a management plan
- Diversification is imperative
- Most conflicts are due to roles (coach, management, board) not being clearly defined.
- Everyone must pay their fair share!
- It’s all about the money! Create a vision for where you want to be in 3 years and let’s figure out the costs and the possible revenue streams to get us there
Dave Dickison – speaker
Led by Dave Dickison who has run rowing clubs for many years. He has figured out (literally) what does not work… so you don’t do it.
Learn from his knowledge and adapt it to your unique situation.
Dave will be sharing his rowing club management spreadsheet which you get to download and use for your own club.
The webinar is recorded so you can return over (and over) to refine the detail of what will work for your club.
Bonus lessons
Included with the webinar and Dave’s spreadsheet are two bonus lessons. How to set a boat club strategy and four steps to implementing it.
Additionally all attendees can ask questions live, can submit questions in advance using the Support ticket section in the left hand sidebar after logging into Faster Masters Rowing portal.