Rowing Mindset

Jack Burns explains how to coach your mind to achieve in rowing and sculling.

Mental skills training to complement your physical workouts webinar – Sign Up Below

Three techniques to improve your focus, push your performance, and overcome external distractions in rowing and sculling.

Presenter: Jack Burns 

Join this webinar led by Mindset coach Jack Burns as teaches rowing psychology you can use in training and racing. Because success in rowing depends on being able to achieve a deep concentration and focus (to improve our stroke technique) and if you race, success at regattas is 90% mental. You can train all you like, but if you cannot perform under pressure, you won’t be able to achieve your potential as a rower.

  • – Remove mental blocks that limit your training progress
  • – Ways to push yourself hard in races
  • – Overcome distractions that ruin your performance

Too often rowing coaches focus on coaching what they can see. Those are body positions and muscle building and bladework technique. Getting inside your head has to be approached in a different way. But it could be the key to stepping up your performance.

Jack learned mindset techniques because he was lying to himself about his approach to rowing training. And that mattered a lot because he wanted to race at the highest level. Coming last in national team selection trials, and a patient coach were turning points in his journey of self-discovery.

Shortcut your mindset learning

Get straight into learning the actual mental skills techniques in this webinar.

Jack approaches Mindset Training in the same way as workout training programmes or weights training. He teaches using a simple, step by step approach that will give webinar attendees clear and actionable pieces of advice to go away and implement. 

This training will help Rowers overcome: 

  • – Mental blocks around racing or erg testing
  • – Learn how to push yourself harder when racing
  • – Learn how to become more focussed when racing
  • – Learn how to handle external factors like wind or a race not going to plan 
  • – Generally, encouraging a more enjoyable approach to training and racing!

The trial and error mindset method takes too long and there’s no guarantee you’ll work out the fine detail on your own.

PLUS you also get these bonus lessons

  1. Edge Rowing Scorecard – test yourself on your mindset focus and find areas to improve
  2. Interview with Jack from RowingChat Podcast
  3. Mini Mindset Starter Pack get a mindset training plan for your rowing goals

All prices are in US$. If you are in New Zealand, they include GST.