Touring Rowing 12 week program

Touring Rowing 12 week program – Signup Below

You are preparing for a rowing vacation or touring rowing event, and you know that with a program, your preparation will be smoother, you will be fitter and fully prepared for touring distance rowing.

12 Week Program for touring rowing

This one-off purchase is an ebook which contains all the on-water training sessions you need to get ready.

We will take you from month one when you star to build fitness, right through month 2 when the length of workouts start to increase and the intensity rises, up to month 3 which includes your departure for your rowing vacation.

Using the tried-and-tested Faster Masters Rowing format, the program can easily be customized to suit your workouts – with 3 core sessions a week, and three optional sessions with one rest day – you can adjust your training to suit your lifestyle.

The plan is suitable for individuals or crews.

Note it is not customized to your age, fitness or boat class. If you want a customized program, go to Our Courses and select a monthly subscription program.

touring rowing, rowing in Russia, rowing vacation, rowing training for touring,

All prices are in US$. If you are in New Zealand, they include GST.