Right Boats To Suit Your Athletes’ Needs

Getting the correct range of boat types and boat weights to suit your club group is important. What to look for, how to assess your fleet and plan for the future.

Resource: Rowing Club Management Strategy – how to write one

3 Value Bombs

  1. The boat : athlete needs equation is never static
  2. Match boat fleet to needs of the club
  3. Make a long term plan to fill gaps


01:00 Boats to suit athletes

Review the stock of boats and equipment in your club and how they align with the needs of your athletes. We realised we needed to workout if our boat fleet matched the masters group needs. Assess the weight class of boat to the athlete weights in your group.

03:00 What weight class was your boat designed for?

Look for the manufacturer’s plate – often in the bow or the front of the stroke’s foot well. It shows the design hull type, year of manufacture and the average weight of athlete it’s designed for. Club asset registers list all the boats in the club ownership. We added the information about the boat design weight.

04:30 List all the boats in each boat class that you own (8, 4s, 2s and 1x) and classify them to the athlete weight they are designed for. Broadly we chose 3 categories – light weight boats (under 70kg), mid-weight boats (70-85kg) and heavy weight boats ( over 85kg).

Our list included boat name, age of boat, weight class of boat and whether lightweight, mid-weight or heavyweight. We added in how old the boat was and whether it was due for retirement.

It was then clear where to skew of boats matched our athlete weights.

06:00 Boat gap analysis

Have we got one boat in each weight class? Which are the most popular boats which athletes like to row? This shows you where you are short of boats by boat class and boat weight to align with what your group needs, frequency of boat use per week/month, and which boats your masters want to row. This is not static, it changes each year as membership and priorities change. This information was then put into the prioritisation for refurbishing boats, fund raising for new boats and spare parts / minor repairs list (consumables e.g. shoes, slides, gates).

08:00 Set out a 3-4 year programme to get your boat fleet more aligned with your group needs.

Boat Gap Analysis method

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