
Rowing and ageing resources

All masters rowers are concerned with ageing. Many of us are cautiously watching for signs of ageing including flexibility limitations, strength decline and endurance falling. Faster Masters Rowing did a podcast with Clare Delmar in which she talked about the scientific research related to ageing which we can use to inform our choices in how we live and how we row.

Science and aging

  • David Sinclair, professor of genetics and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School. David is the author of Lifespan – Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To. David Sinclair has a popular Youtube channel with short and longer videos on discrete aging topics.
  • Nir Barzilai, founding director of the Institute for Aging Research, the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging and the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Nir is the author of Age Later – Healthspan, Lifespan and the new science of longevity. He did a TedTalk on science of longevity
  • Eleanor Sheeky, host of the Sheeky Science show 

Society/culture/policy on aging

Personal health and aging

  1. Novos Labs Slow down your aging – supplements manufacturer
  2. Do Not Age the world’s trusted longevity partner – supplements including NMN and TMG

*Note links to Amazon are affiliate links.

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