Rowing and bulimia

We dive into the challenging topic of eating disorders in rowers including revelations from one listener about his bulimia.

Timestamps to the show

02:00 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing. Reading ROAR by Stacy Sims.
10:00 What’s in the April program on Faster Masters?
1k and 5k programs. Technique videos of sculling we like. Rigging Quick boat setup. Guidelines on crew lineups for training. Organising race day checklist.
15:00 Masters Championships events around the world – UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, European Masters all have dates for regattas in 2021

Masters rowers with eating disorders

19:00 The Female Athlete video interviews Jessica Diggins and her coach Matt Whitcomb about her eating disorder, bulimia.

Jessica notes that coping with the stress of training led to her eating disorder
Genetics loads the gun but the environment pulls the trigger.
The desire to be lean as an athlete is a psychological condition. Get professional help.
My brain is the major factor in success as well as equipment, training program, technique.
23:00 Matt Whitcomb talks about athletes working with dieticians. Going to your coach for help is hard because there’s an imbalance in power because coaches are often selectors too. Showing vulnerability can affect selection.
The best a coach can do is say I am here for you if you need to talk.
The coach’s job is to facilitate help, not solve the problem. They can help create a culture of openness where these things can be discussed without judgement.
31:00 Mark Madeley confirms that when he was training internationally, the lightweight rowing coaches didn’t know about nutrition. He was a lightweight for South Africa and suffered bulimia under pressure training alongside the heavyweights and being expected to eat with them as well.
34:00 Focus on your lean body mass not your weight on the scales
Sleep 7-8 hours a night
Front-load your calories with carbs in the morning and protein int he afternoon. Your body metabolises carbs better earlier in the day.
Increase your intake of foods with Vitamin B12, Magnesium, healthy fats and omega 3 oils.
Match fruits and vegetables and grains with proteins to control blood sugar spikes.
37:00 Red Flag warnings for female athletes are a triad disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis.
41:00 a consultation with a sports nutritionist can be beneficial. Timing your calories can affect weight as much as what you eat.
43:00 Taking really good care of ourselves is this week’s goal.