Rowing Coach Education

I got asked about rowing coach education available in Europe. Here are some suggestions for self education – which is a great place to start.

1 – Go to your local club and speak to the coaches there – ask if you can sit beside them and watch and learn from them

2 – Read – lots. Find books, articles. Listen to podcasts and videos. Listen to Faster Masters Rowing Radio weekly. Each time ask yourself

Why is that crew going faster than the other crew? 

Then ask 

What would I do to try to improve their rowing?

3 – Find a local club or school and volunteer to coach. Try out the things you learn in 2. 

​World Rowing has free online coaching resources which you can use to teach yourself

Also join the email list for CRI in Boston MA, USA – they have a one year coach education course which is highly regarded – the Institute for Rowing Leadership.​