
Rowing Training Programs

You Are A Masters Rower – welcome 

You are curious about Faster Masters' Rowing training programs. [Free sample below.] New Lessons Every Month So There's Always Something To Challenge You.

Just answer some quick questions:

Suitable for rowers who train regularly

How Faster Masters
Rowing Works

1. Pick your program

3 choices: Are you training alone, (Individual Program) as a crew (Crew Program) or as a group of more than 8 athletes (Club Program)? Choose the program best aligned with your needs.

2. What's your next regatta or goal?

When you log in for the first time, we guide you through the available programs (1k, 5k or Head of the Charles). Set Individualized training zones so the program is customised to suit YOU, your fitness and your strength capability.

3. Start your rowing training

Each week choose the workouts you want to do (on a rowing machine or on the water). Each workout helps you build towards your rowing goal. Our coaches are always here to answer your questions.

4. Share the love

Join the Faster Masters community where we share, learn and laugh together. After all, this is a journey we are on together. Masters rowers inspire and learn from each other. Find people to row with when you are on vacation, or to fill a crew vacancy at a regatta.

Get a sample program FREE

Let’s get you familiar with our work and the reason Faster Masters Rowing is trusted by athletes from around the world.

See what our programs are like.

They work.

That’s the reason Faster Masters Rowing is trusted by athletes around the world.

Fill in the form to get a FREE sample training plan.

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