Running a Club Masters Program

Marlene and Rebecca discuss
– Erg racing mental approach
– Guest: Claudia Pace from Sagamore Rowing Club talking about running a club masters program
– Should you scull or sweep first?

Timestamps to the show

06:00 This past week. Mitzi Nicoletti medalled twice at Denver Indoor Sprints.
A nice testimonial – Marlene Royle & Will Ruth

“Just listened to your Science of Rowing podcast as I’m getting ready for my cold long-SLOW-distance trail run. I think one reason you both are such great coaches for masters (and ancient) athletes is that you don’t just say “do it this way” but are open to conversations about technique and training. Not all, but most masters rowers I know are smart, analytical, and questioning. They need to bring their brains, not just bodies, into the coaching relationship. I spend lots of time around and with college rowers and I’m always surprised that they are so comfortable remaining so ignorant of our sport: they express little interest in learning the reasons behind technique or training or rigging or history etc. Most seem satisfied just doing what their coaches tell them to do. Way different for most masters rowers I know.”

To understand ask “why” three times to fully understand.
Running a Scrimmage Regatta – checklist for organisers
15:00 Sweep or sculling first – which would you choose for a new rower. Sculling is better developmentally and a single is your “private coach”.

23:00 Sagamore Rowing Association special guest Claudia Pace

Claudia explains how to run a masters club program

A third of our members chose to join Faster Masters Rowing club program in November. We like to work on our own things and use zoom. The group’s interests are not homogeneous. Everyone found their performance improved significantly. People have been more “applied” in virtual situation .
29:00 Everyone comes to the club with a different skill level. The program suits divergent goals. We do a monthly coaching call for team leaders.
33:00 How to persuade the Board / Committee to go with Faster Masters training program?

It’s a good way to keep members engaged. Important to offer something over winter. We priced it out per person and made the fee accessible for everyone.
36:30 Figure out what level you can afford to do. Need a viable number of people. We walked through the program with Marlene and explained it to members. We agreed to do a trial for the winter and since then we’ve decided to extend it over summer.
If you don’t have a coach and can’t afford to hire a coach it’s a good alternative to having in-person coaching.
41:00 The additional content each month really sold us. You can get out of the program whatever you want. Nobody says it is too hard and I can’t do it. It is challenging.
45:00 Mental approach to ergs. There is no excuse and so do not vocalise. Be very well rested. if you are going to tolerate pain you must be rested. Helps to deal with the mental side of the discomfort.
