Take a group to race abroad

We’ve just got back from an overseas trip to go to a regatta. Great fun and lots of new experiences.

We met a club with the same name as ours!

meet other masters rowers.
North Shore Rowing Club New Zealand meets North Shore Rowing Club Australia.

What do we wish we’d known before going?

10 things you need to know

  1. Book accommodation well ahead of time. Choose cancelable rooms (pay extra)
  2. Avoid letting people join the group late – it disrupts
  3. Use an app like SplitWise to manage group finances and refund big payments
  4. You will need more than one vehicle for getting to/from the regatta course
  5. Everyone needs to know how to set up a boat (especially if you’re borrowing or renting)
  6. You need more warm up than you think when racing early in the morning
  7. Scratch crews are a waste of time (unless you just want to have fun)
  8. Plan a roster to cook evening meals and clean up afterwards
  9. Practice intense side-by-side racing in the build-up
  10. Do fewer races than you think you want to…. it’s easy to be greedy but hurts your performance