Transitioning seasonal training plans

Transitioning seasons to Winter / Summer is a key point in the training year for masters rowers. Key things to do and watch out for.


01:00 What are season transitions in rowing? When you have completed any training period there is a transition that follows. Give yourself some recovery time and down time.

Base Training Begins

03:50 What is base level training? Lower intensity for aerobic work. Include cross training. When changing activities – be careful to do this gradually. It is new for your muscles.

07:00 Beware gardening – any intense yard work can injure you. Stacking firewood – it’s the unusual positions you get into when raking, chopping wood.

Training program for getting back on the erg

12:10 Getting back on the erg.

Workout I – do a ten minute warmup. 15 minutes continuous rowing + stretch 10 minutes continuous.

Week 2 move to 20 minutes continuous rowing + 10 minutes after the stretch.

Week 3 move to 2×20 minutes

Week 4 do 30 minutes continuous. Then build up gradually towards 45 or 60 minutes rowing.

17:30 Do several weeks erging before doing a test of any type.

Improve your body

19:00 Things to work on for yourself.

Muscle imbalances, stiff hamstrings. Use our Functional Movement Assessment free course to get 10 physical tests for your personal mobility.
Free webinar to test your body’s flexibility for rowing and sculling
Transitioning seasons – summer through to winter rowing training
How to transition to winter training for rowing and sculling