
Rowing regatta checklist

What to take, make a list:- kit, tools, food, comfort, medical.

ResourceErg Racing Checklist

3 value bombs

  • Make a checklist and reuse it (improve each time)
  • Work back from your race time to get a timeline
  • Use phone alarms to stay focused and avoid distractions


00:50 Regattas are busy times

There is a lot going on and so it’s easy to forget things. There are many distractions around you and some may affect your race outcome.

01:50 Write it down on a master checklist

Start with packing the night before you leave.

  • 3 complete changes of clothing for racing. If you can afford it buy a singlet as well as a row suit in race strip club colours. I include underwear and in winter waterproof socks; wellington boots for the boat park when wet and muddy.

Buy Waterproof socks https://fastermastersrowing.com/merch/

  • List the things you do before you go on the water – rigging the boat, collect your race number, crew talk, final bathroom stop, electronics, take your fluids and food.
  • Write a timeline back from the start time of your event. Include time to adjust your boat (oarlock heights, foot stretcher positions, check oar length and inboard). Coxswains check your electronics and plug it in to test it. Work out the order to do these and how long each will take. For each item allow enough time to do it before your boating time to get on the water.
  • Know what time you want to push off from the dock, know if there is likely to be congestion queuing to get on the water (allow more time), check with experienced people what time allowance you should make.
  • Write the time of each race, boat and oar allocation, my crew and my number.
  • Food needs on regatta day. Arrive already fed – have breakfast before you arrive. Eat easily digestible food. Snacking food between races – gels, muesli bars, water with electrolyte and carbohydrate. Eating more than 20 minutes before a race means I can digest the food. Stuff you can eat in your hand without a knife and fork. A main meal for the middle of the race day – I choose pasta or rice with cheese and vegetables.
  • For your own boat – include boat ties, a flag for the stern.
  • Also sunscreen, towel, rain proof jacket and trousers, hair bands / hat, sunglasses and rowing electronics.

12:00 Get ready to enjoy yourself

It’s easy to get distracted when others ask you for help and then you miss your own crew race preparation timeline. I set alarms on my phone – an hour before my race time with the name of the alarm e.g. quad race.

If someone asks to borrow your tools and you lend them they can get mislaid even if you name your tools. Ask the borrower to give you their phone or sunglasses while they borrow the tool – and they are more likely to return it.