Aging and how to manage it for rowing

Key concepts for aging:

  • Lifespan versus health span
  • Chronological versus biological age
  • Cell senescence

Wanna live forever? You can’t….

But we can certainly influence how we age with proactive interventions and choices in our own lives. The Faster Masters Rowing Radio podcast welcomes Clare Delmar to the show to guide us through who is researching aging well and where we can find their writings and publications.

12:00 The science of longevity – Why we should be interested in aging and what we already know.
Cancer research tells us what happens to cells in the body.
Key tenets:- shifting healthcare, medicine and personal focus from lifespan to “health span”. Living well longer.

14:45 Top risk factors for health conditions – the number 1 is aging for prostate cancer. We should think that aging is not just a fact of life – we can learn about it and about the process of aging.

Chronologial / biological age

17:45 Difference between chronological and biological age.
Measure this with biomarkers.
We can manage our biological age ourselves.

Who researches aging?

20:00 Which people are doing work in aging who we should follow? There are scientific geneticists, society researchers (employment, housing, transport), medical (treatments and interventions) and personal health (what we can do ourselves).
Cell senescence is key – cells are dying and not being replaced.
24:00 Gurus on longevity. What they are talking about

David Sinclair is a professor at Harvard Medical School whose book, Lifespan is evidence-based.
Nir Barzilai also has a book Age Later, the new science of longevity.
Interventions he suggests include supplements and drugs to help reduce aging.
28:00 Covid has taught us about repurposing drugs. Metformin is a diabetes drug Mir is working on.
29:30 Eleanor Sheeky has a great YouTube channel the Sheeky Science show.

30:30 Researchers into societal and cultural perspectives and the policies needed
Sergei Young
Susan Flory
Tina Woods has a book on AI driving interventions. She’s also on the UK Parliamentary advisory group.
Andrew Scott at London Business School has a book
Ashton Applewhite – social media around ageism @thischairrocks
36:30 Novos Labs are a supplements company. Their website is informative.

Full List of Resources on Rowing and Aging Well

Monitor your own personal health

37:15 How you you monitor our own health?
Clare takes supplements not because she feels bad. She wants to live well.
Daily yoga practice has been massively helpful for strength, balance and mobility.
Daily exercise – sculling, run or cycle
Diet and nutrition – the impact on physical and mental / emotional health. I eat gut-friendly foods. I have cut out sugars so I’m less dependent and greek yoghurt daily.
44:00 Tips – apply to your everyday. A dietary intervention is the concept of intermittent fasting – body ketosis. Everybody is different.
47:00 Opinions on a vegan diet? It’s an individual choice. With aging it’s protein levels that are critical to less stress and cell repair. Women need fat in our diet.
Clare is a convert to non-meat proteins – pulses / beans and plant based milks.

Rowing and aging show audio recording