
Video Review

Rebecca · November 10, 2019

Get a video review from Faster Masters™ for yourself or your crew. This is possibly te most valuable service we provide – it’s 100% focused on YOU and gives actionable techniques and recommendations.

I must tell you your video critique was phenomenal and yesterday I went out and did the drills and my stroke length magically improved and my splits went down.

Elizabeth, Princeton, NJ, USA


Just send us a video of your crew.  We need 3 strokes in total.

In return you will receive an analysis where we overlay your video with diagrams and a voiceover explaining coaching and technical tips for you to practice.

Learn how to video your rowing crew effectively.

rowing video review
Changes explained with diagrams as well as voiceover video

Take a look at some work we did with a masters crew who row both a double scull and a pair together.

Rowing the double scull 2x (9’30”)
Rowing the sweep pair 2- (5’30”)


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