Stroke Cycle – The Release

What is the difference between the stroke finish and the release? Are these just different words for the same thing?

The Stroke Cycle | Release to body over

01:00 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing.Faster Masters 1k racing programs are published for May/June or September peaks

06:00 The Stroke Cycle – the release

What is the difference between the release and the finish?
Bio-mechanists say the release is when the blade exits the water.
The finish is a position of your legs/body/arms when the power phase of the stroke is complete
The release is the action of pressing the oar out of the water.
– extract with your hand pressing down on the oar handle – you must have weight over the handle
– simultaneously directing your weight into the oarlock so you exit cleanly.

How to do the release

11:00 Press your palm downwards using only your forearm.
This is tricky because the boat is moving fast at this point.
There is a tendency to rush it – keep it continuous is your goal
Exit quietly – listen to the oarlocks
Check your collar doesn’t pull away from the oarlock /gate.

Get the whole series – it’s free

Read and watch the full video series on the rowing stroke cycle – 6 episodes from catch to finish.

16:15 The Open Oarlocks drill – helps teach you to keep pressure on the oarlocks.

18:00 Timing the release

Test different release points – 1, 2 or 3 cm away from your body

Look at your puddles – tight swirls in a circle. This is what you want.
Timing off your foot pressure will tell you when to release.

28:00 The body over position

This is where you transition to weight back on your feet.
How you sit on your seat is important.
Check you aren’t too far back.
Maintain the handle speed and sequence.
30:00 Separate the arms away from the body rock forwards – the swing.
You should feel your shoulders behind the hips.
It’s hard to get a good rhythm without this movement executed well.
33:30 How much rock over should you do?
Shift your weight to the front of your seat
Let the hands lead the body rock – when fully straight your arms pull your body forward.
Actively think hips move towards the bow.
39:00 Train yourself to listen and feel the boat.

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What’s the difference between the release and the finish in rowing?
What’s the difference between the release and the finish in rowing?