Functional Movement Screening for Rowing

Being the best rower you can be involves having good flexibility and mobility in your body.

As we age, our flexibility typically reduces. Understand your personal range of movement and how each part of your body is used in the rowing stroke.

Our 10 exercise functional movement assessment for masters rowers will show you where you can improve and how it affects your rowing and sculling.

Marlene and Rebecca host Faster Masters Rowing Radio where having a rowing coach only makes you better, following a program gives you a true pathway to becoming a confident sculler who is respected by your peers. Become the athlete you want to row with.

– difference between exercising and training
– functional movement screening for masters


05:00 Early warning that November 24 there will be a podcast about Transitioning to Winter Training – ONLY newsletter subscribers will be able to watch this episode. Please subscribe to get the link emailed to you.

09:00 Functional movement screening for masters.

These 10 drills allow you to test your own body and its ability to move in a way compatible with rowing and sculling.
Use these exercises to identify your physical limitations


11:30 Podcast feedback – You Cannot Coach Yourself – Marlene declares that Faster Masters are very aware of the “reality for many masters” with regard to coaching, availability of club support and video assessment.
One of the reasons we set up Faster Masters is dealing with the reality of masters training alone – it is very common. This is why masters like to come to camps because they can network with others.
We recommend you ask your club coach if you can buy a private lesson.
17:00 Coach rowing alongside you is very similar to what you get from a remote coaching video feedback. I’m surprised more people don’t take advantage of video review services. They give great insight.
23:00 Tanya from Australia gives her feedback on the Faster Masters programme. Marlene reminds us that Faster Masters programs are designed to prevent under-training and over-training. Both damage your performance.
27:00 Exercising versus training. Keeping things “interesting” and setting challenges in the program is key. Have one objective in mind. Your personal time trial, for example – it should be a performance element. Programs are DESIGNED to add stresses and recovery period. They train the different physiological systems which you are developing as you row.
33:00 Marlene follows Dr Steven Seiler in the low intensity and high volume approach to training.
Use your training to improve your skill in these 3 areas. Rebeca recommends a drill to help you learn how to improve your skills.