
The Individual Program – Signup Below

This is IDENTICAL to the Individual Annual Training Program. Except you pay monthly. (Buying annually saves $$ 12 months for the price of 10.)

Designed for masters rowers who race and who train to race.

Though each year we get you ready to race in key events Sprint races (World Rowing Masters Championships, Henley Masters, US Rowing Masters Champs, Australian Masters, NZ Masters) and for long distance head races (Head of the Charles, Heads of the River (London), Head of the Yarra) PLUS indoor rowing key events – World Rowing Indoor Championships, CRASH-B and US Rowing Indoor Championships. And if your key event isn’t listed here, get in touch and we’ll advise you how to adjust the program for your big race.

Inside this program each month

You will get a new training program with these modules

  1. Training program – for 1k or 5k events with 6 sessions per week (3 core sessions and the rest are optional). You choose the program which suits your next race event.
  2. Land training program – strength and conditioning for 1k or 5k events. You choose the program which suits your next race event.
  3. Peak performance – mental skills and mindset techniques for your rowing life.
  4. Technique – for sweep and sculling videos, drills for you to practice – designed to improve your rowing technique.
  5. Rowing lifestyle to age well – articles about how to live well
  6. Bonus – we will surprise you!

Our goal for our rowing and sculling stroke is to have a robust technique that we can reliably deliver in any weather conditions, with any crew, at any pressure and stroke rate.


“I joined Faster Masters Rowing during lockdown to help me to keep up with rowing. Your output has kept my interest and I have enjoyed what I have followed. My rowing club got back to full operation and I joined with the aim of winning in sculls. Last time I competed and won in 1x was 2002. This has been one of my best seasons. Not only did I win 1x in Masters I (I am 70) at Llandaff Regatta, but also at Hereford, 2x at Evesham, Landaff, Hereford and Stourport. 7 pots in total!” Kent Matthews, Cardiff, UK

NOTE:  All prices are in US$ Dollars.  All prices exclude sales tax, except for purchasers in New Zealand where 15% GST is included in the sale price.  You create ONE login which all crew members will share.