CONTENT From this show
– Time to think about head racing
– What to do when motivation comes and goes
Faster Masters Rowing Radio – the podcast for masters rowers. Tips, advice and discussion from Marlene Royle and Rebecca Caroe.
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01:30 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing. Henley Masters Regatta July 9-10. The new Knowlton Rowing Club.
05:00 The Faster Masters Rowing Program for July. Squaring technique focus; Mid-race strategies.
09:00 When motivation fades. What can you do?
Find out what’s going on in your mind. What is important to you?
Jim Loehr – The Power of Full Engagement Book
12:30 Physical / Emotional / Mental / Spiritual pyramid. Check the physical first for clues about what’s wrong.
17:30 The best stress reliever is to just do something.
20:00 Head Racing – we have 3-4 months to come before the race.
Physiology – think of your average speed – this is key to your best race.
Train to improve your base average speed. Train your base aerobic mitocondria.
It also helps to know the race course as well for steering.
At low rates you can also work on technique.
Race pace is an anaerobic threshold AT workout. Ride the line of best pace before you get lactate acid build up in your muscles.
Improve your VO2 max during the next 3 months training. The higher ceiling means you can move up your AT. That brings a better average race speed.
25:50 Don’t wait till September to start training. Plan ahead
Shift your attention to average split and target metres to complete the session.
Choose the meters per second erg display – use charts to analyse the split you need to do the time you want in the head race you are going to race.
30:30 If you are racing 1k in August – stay on the 1k program. Then when you finish that event, take a few days off – 3 or 4 days – to decompress. Then move on to the 5k program.
Stick to the prescribed intensity in the program workouts.
Further resources
- Scoring burnout – how tired are you?
- Practicing rowing discipline
- James E. Loehr’s classic book The New Toughness Training for Sports: Mental Emotional Physical Conditioning [affiliate link]