Tapering before rowing race

How tapering works. Faster Masters Rowing Radio – the podcast for masters rowers. Tips, advice and discussion from Marlene Royle and Rebecca Caroe.

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01:30 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing. We hosted a Rigging webinar.
13:00 Tapering – the purpose of the taper is recovery.
Get to the start line raring to go.
14:55 Super compensation system in your body.
The amount you taper for a 6 day week training program.
7 to 8 days out the training volume reduces to half. The frequency of training does not change.
17:00 Mental preparation for the race
Repair your boat
Sharpening technique – practice what you are good at. Build confidence.
Race Plan
Dinner the night before 6 pm, no social media the night before.
21:00 Pre race Checklist
This episode also covers head race checklists
Plan for the unexpected to happen
Don’t want to have to make decisions in a fluster.
23:00 If you are the person who is always 5 minutes late…..
25:00 Socialise after the event, not before the race.?
Be prepared, specify what you need to be best prepared.