Ageing Well for Rowing

Rebecca · March 8, 2022

How to manage the process, the science of longevity and what affects your chronological and biological age. 

With guest experts Clare Delmar and Hugh Dunstan.


  • – The science of ageing – what we are only just learning
  • – How digestion, diet and hydration age you
  • – Ways amino acids affect sport, exercise and recovery rates
  • – How to monitor your own health and ageing
  • – Interventions to slow down ageing 
  • – Impact of loss of muscle tone and ability to recover. The role of Vitamin D in muscle mass and ageing

After attending this webinar you will 

  1. – Know which ageing specialists to follow and read
  2. – Have practical changes to make in your own diet, exercise and hydration 
  3. – Have a path for measuring your own ageing


  • Clare Delmar helps lead a healthcare business that provides innovative diagnostics and treatments to men with prostate disease. London is a centre of world-class innovation in imaging-led diagnostics and treatments for prostate cancer, and the Focal Therapy Clinic provides access to these innovations so that all men can achieve improved healthcare outcomes. Clare runs, rows and does yoga to stay active and healthy.
  • Hugh Dunstan was a Professor at the University of Newcastle (Australia) until he retired in 2020. His research program was focused on understanding the biochemistry of fatigue. Hugh and his research team were able to quantify the potential losses of amino acids and electrolytes in humans. This enabled them to better understand daily amino acid requirements and then develop highly refined commercial products to support exercise and recovery.  These new concepts are particularly relevant to help people stay active and healthy as they get older. Hugh is a co-founder of InnovAAte, which brings their research based OptimAAte and ElectrAAte products to the marketplace. He has been rowing for 40 years and remains active and healthy.

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Product Includes

  • 1 Module
  • 5 Lessons