Head Racing 12 week program

Rebecca · January 23, 2020

You are a Masters Rower preparing for winter long distance head races, this is a training programme written just for you.  Spanning 3 months leading up to a long distance 5k+ regatta, expert coach Marlene Royle runs through the specifics that you need to train effectively and race successfully.

The plan is adjustable whether you train 6 times a week, 5 or 4 times a week.  You can adapt it to suit your unique situation.

We bought the 12 week head racing program and loved it! it provided us with specific workout that changed on a bi-weekly basis. The workouts were doable from a time/work/life perspective. The feature that tells you which workouts not to skip is a good one. So, if you are only able to row 3x in a week, instead of 6-7, make sure you hit these ones. The bi-weekly cycle allows us to repeat a workout and improve on it from the previous week. We do not have a coach, so appreciated that we headed to the club with our workout in mind.   The variety was excellent and the program was head racing specific. Please keep helping Masters Rowers feel like the athletes we are and not like afterthoughts or 2nd class citizens. Kathleen Wojtas, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Within the book you will find:

  1. Phase 1 Training  – Foundation: Low stress training, good routine, gradual increases. Focus on improving technical weaknesses.
  2. Phase 2 Training – Early Quality: Prepare for the type of training that will be of most importance in the following phases, introduce more intensive endurance work, focus on improving stroke mechanics.
  3. Phase 3 Training – Transition Quality: Most stressful phase that is event specific and it sets you up for the final quality phase that is less stressful. Stress the proper systems for the event distance. Stay with proper training paces and do not over do it here.  Avoid injury and illness.
  4. Phase 4 Training – Final Quality: Prepare for actual race conditions. Focus on strengths. Concentrate on what you do best in the final phase of training. Be fresh not fatigued.

Marlene advises

Approach each full workout as the “goal.” If there is any workout that you cannot complete or have to build up to the full session, it is best to follow the proper intensity but scale back the amount of work


  • Simple pre-race warm-up
  • Reminders checklist for your peak event
  • Advice on workout modifications you may need

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Product Includes

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  • 1 Lesson
