
Rowing With Data

Rebecca · May 2, 2023

Use data to row efficiently. Rigging to optimize your stroke. Get started using data to understand your rowing.

Rowing with Data

Rowing With Data webinar

Data is more than just the flavor of the month in rowing it seems to be everywhere.

And yet it is also hard to find where to educate yourself on what the data means and how to use it.

This webinar series is for you!


  • Episode 1 is a Primer on Rowing Data Led by Sander Roosendaal, who has been demystifying rowing data for 15 years through the popular Rowing Data Analytics group. Sander will guide us through the basic 5 data points every rower should be monitoring, what each data point is, what it is used for, what patterns to look for in the data, and what they MEAN. Then we will dive into using data in your rowing training.
  • Episode 2 How to Row Efficiently led by Valery Kelshev who popularised rowing biomechanics through his long running BioRow newsletter. In this webinar he will explain the practical principles of efficiency and how this applies to the rowing and sculling stroke cycle. 1) Practical principles of rowing efficiency and how this applies to technique. 2) Phases of the stroke cycle: what to focus on to increase rowing efficiency and not waste your energy. 3) How to improve your technique: drills, gadgets, technology, etc. 4) Rowing culture: injury prevention, warming up routines and stretching for masters.
  • Episode 3 Rigging to optimize 6 performance factors Mike Purcer is a specialist rigger providing individualized rigging advice for athletes based on his comprehensive video data analysis method.  Knowing how to rig for your body shape and your power force curve is the culmination of this webinar series. You will have learned from Sander how to collect your power data, Valery will have shown you which efficient movements to use during the stroke and now Mike will guide you towards rigging changes which suit your strength and physique. Wrapping up our rowing with data series, Mike will show us how he videos a crew and then uses the video to analyze their rowing and sculling in relation to their boat rig. He will showcase how he collects the data he uses to individualize rigging. 

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This course is currently closed37.00 USD

Product Includes

  • 4 Modules
  • 18 Lessons