
It’s all about the catches and boy are they different!

Hello again Reader

I was watching the World Cup 2 Luzern regatta and was struck by the huge difference in technical style visible between elite crews.

We all know that style and technique can be hugely divergent and that there are a lot of ways to move a rowing boat fast – but this was a stark contrast which I want to draw to your attention. [See article below.]

On the Coach Mastermind zoom call this month we will be discussing how to coach a crew to make a catch in the style you desire. We will be using this video as a technical showcase and talk drills, words that illuminate, ways to talk your crew into changing their style so that you have the choice of getting your crews to row in ways that suit their physiology and capability. The zoom is Tuesday 11th June 2024 – yes, tomorrow!

Using a second video from the USA team, we will also talk about the bow seat – with a great illustration of timing, care with the finish transition and how looking slow creates a rhythm which sets up the whole crew. This video is only available to members published in the Coach Mastermind here.

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We welcome new joiners to the Coach Mastermind group. Our next meeting is Tuesday 11th June and there’s a sweet pricing incentive for first timers.

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Here’s to a fulfilled coaching month.


Catches, it’s all about the catch

Take a look at this video (which I screenshotted from the World Rowing website). The camera zooms into the Italians and Greg Searle (commentator) notes their “dynamic” stroke with “no let-up”. The contrast in style of catch between the Irish lightweight mens double scull and the Italian crew was stark.

Watch as the camera later pans back to the Italians and then over to the Irish. You can quickly see their differing technique.

I see such a different style.

The Irish have a catch that’s lumbered and heavy, led with an exaggerated upward handle movement and a distinct “lock on” moment as the oars engage with the water. By contrast, the Italians scull “through the catch” and seem to pick up the water so quickly that you almost don’t see them lift the handles to place them into the water.

Now you’ve see the detail of these two crew’s catches – take a look at the whole race on World Rowing.

As you watch, ask yourself

  1. How did the Italians get so far in front by half way?
  2. Which part of the stroke is each crew spending their energy on?
  3. How would you coach a crew to acquire each style
  4. Do you have a technique style preference?

This is a great example of the type of discussion we have on the coach mastermind each month. Improving your coach’s eye for detail and then hearing how others coach changes onto their crews. It’s practical and you will come away with things to use in your very next practice.

Join details June mastermind

Topic choices :

  • Catches – the Irish style vs the Italian style
  • Role of the bow in racing
  • Racing lineups
  • First timer briefings
  • The Art of Adaptation: Coaching Masters Rowers with Unique Needs

Would you join us? The Coach Mastermind is your professional development goldmine. Collaborative learning, sharing tips and deepening knowledge. Join us in June – 100% refund guarantee if it’s not what you need.

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