Practicing racing starts

Marlene Royle and Rebecca Caroe discuss food and nutrition for rowers and how to practice racing starts.

Nutrition – from Nancy Clark’s seminar

“Sports Nutrition: Clarifying the confusion about what’s best to eat”.  The link below is to the 5th edition of Nancy’s classic book.  Rowing Chat has an affiliate link code.  A more recent edition will publish on 20th July 2019.

Practicing Racing Starts

  • Start with 3 strokes
  • Build up to 10s
  • Ensure you include starts in your race warmup
  • Set a target race rate you want to hit – and make sure you do it
  • Practice the first 3 strokes – they are slower than you think.
  • Before doing starts in training – do some power strokes to get in the mindset of working hard.

Faster Masters Rowing is now launched

We have started a new subscription training programme service – get monthly training and technique advice for masters.

In June’s Faster Masters Rowing training program you will get Training Program for May/June Peak and also August/September peak; Video on practicing racing starts for 1k racing; Video on body mobility – starting with the ankle.