
How to train as we age

Hello again Reader

Firstly a gigantic thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on the video choices last week. This is one of the hidden benefits of Faster Masters Rowing being a community – we are in it together.

This is not just a business, Faster Masters is on a mission to improve masters rowing and the fact that I can ask for help from you, Reader makes a ton of difference to my confidence when making business decisions. My heartfelt gratitude.

Many respondents had clear opinions, but nobody came back with as many questions as Dale W. His clarity helped me think through how I can double down on teaching the pause drills and make them even more useful for people who are self-coaching or are using the Faster Masters Rowing blog and podcast as part of their rowing improvement journey. Because when you don’t know, you flounder around and get frustrated. Clear instruction and guidance smooths our path learning how to train as we age.

Dale wrote I like that you talk succinctly about what you’re doing and don’t use a lot of filler about non-relevant stuff. Thanks

He asked eight questions including

  • About the sequence of release and feather
  • Does feathering involve the fingers/hands/wrists/elbows?
  • About your shoulder blades
  • When squaring happens

To read my reply and another video which helps to answer some of the adjacent topics, read Advanced Pause Drills.

A quick reminder that the June program for subscriber members is published. It includes training for a June 1k peak, a separate plan for a 1k July/August peak, and the fitness training program . The magazine articles include how to develop pace judgement and how to keep proprioception. If you want to smooth your rowing journey and improve how to train as you age, you’ll get insights and useful information from one or both articles.

Buy the Masters Rowing Magazine today for immediate access.

Have an enjoyable rowing week.


Our most recent podcast

Mis-timing the catch. Episode #3 concluding our Speed Murdering Mistakes mini series. What causes it, two things to try which will help you find the correct timing points. Click the image to watch.

Boathouse Chat for the Weekend

Brainstorming – would value some ideas.

We are a smallish community rowing club with a limited fleet and operate solely through volunteers. Our rowers come from all walks of life. The majority of rowers enjoy social rowing, and the occasional race at regattas, for fun & social connection. We do also have some very serious and training committed rowers who are aiming high.

  1. How do you navigate finding coaches for those social rowers who still like to hone their rowing skills?
  2. Who should get priority in terms of regattas (limited fleet) where we have got rowers who look to race at regattas to win (and hence commit to higher level training sessions) compared to the “fun/ social crews” who also wish to race at the same regattas?
  3. How do you navigate crew’s inflexibility in terms of who they wish to row with – focus is fun/social rowing but they still wish to row in a very accomplished crew who are aiming to compete and win.

Many thanks.

Join the group and take part in the discussion.

A solution …..

If you read the section above and thought “Goodness, that applies to our club” then I have good news.

Our recent webinar Masters v Juniors sets out a framework for club organisation which answers many of these issues.

Watch it and find answers to

  1. Training group structure
  2. Regatta priorities
  3. Coaches for social rowers

PLUS it also covers what you should charge (dues/fees) for each group, how to allocate boats and oars between groups, ways to balance the revenue and coaching needs for each group.

I can’t emphasise enough how powerful this is for masters. If we get the structure right for our club, many of these ‘problems’ go away.

Come race in Seville, Spain

Fancy a trip with some racing on a world-class regatta venue? There’s plenty of time to plan a visit on 12-13th October 2024 to the 7th Seville Masters regatta.

Entries are open now – browse the classifications and the 3 day camp which precedes the racing led by coach Alejandro Demiddi.

Masters rowing photos

Click the image to see more masters rowing photos.

Whenever you are ready….

Here are ways Faster Masters Rowing can help you:

  1. Align your training to your physical capacity with a program
  2. Improve your technique in a single scull
  3. Make your rowing club masters-friendly
  4. Our services for rowing coaches

Need a rowing advisor “in your pocket”? Book your free 20 minute discovery call.

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