Rowing finish posture

This week’s podcast is about maintaining your posture at the finish, particularly your back angle.


01:00 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing. Learn to row course; US Rowing Masters Conference 2nd April 2022; Australian Masters Rowing Championships venue changed to Ballarat, Victoria.

Rowing book of the month

06:00 – NEW feature – Book of the month with Jess Di Carlo
Perfect Balance by Aquil Abdullah.

“One man’s personal struggle to be the best in a sport and to find meaning from efforts that repeatedly fall shy of their mark.”

Aquil Abdullah

We have a list of rowing books which you may enjoy.

12:00 Maintaining posture at the finish and setting body angle

The challenge is sitting and maintaining awareness of your posture.
How to maintain spine position
The finish is at the end of the leg drive – the handle is close to the body and a slight layback of your body.
13:30 Pay attention to the lumbar spine
How to tell if you have swung your body back too far.
15:00 Protect your lower back in rowing.
Keep your chest high helps with neutral spine.
17:15 Feet connected to the foot stretcher helps keep your finish posture as well.
How to do a physical check of your finish position. You need help from someone outside your boat to find this out to give you guidance if you are maintaining that position as you row.
Set up your finish position so your oar handles brush your lower ribs at a specific point so you can tell if you’ve rocked back too far because your handle is not at that position.
Set up your oarlock height and your foot stretcher so you have a precise place you finish at on your ribs / shirt.
20:00 Compare video of yourself rowing (3 strokes low rate and firm pressure) to a good example of rowing / sculling. What am I aiming for? Compare to what I’m doing in the video.

How to maintain finish posture & back angle in rowing and sculling
How to maintain finish posture & back angle in rowing and sculling