
Rowing video, sporting parents and mindset

Video angles

Hello again, Reader

Each time I get in a room with coaches I learn so much.

The April Coach Mastermind zoom call took a deep dive into two topics – best ways to video and the angles which give insight into posture, oar timing and leg drive alignment.

We also talked about

  • Using a GoPro versus a camera
  • Ways to give the video to athletes
  • How to share your feedback (without offending)
  • Use a ‘take home’ exercise to answer the question ‘What’s the best thing that’s happening in the video?’
  • Ground rules for watching video – you can say anything about yourself; only positive things about others.

Our next meeting is May 7th, please join us – there is a discounted first payment which I’m happy to refund if you don’t get value from the group call.

Mindset coaching

We did a hugely successful webinar with Jack Burns on coaching mindset and he had some techniques which you can easily incorporate into your coaching practice.

These include what to do for the athlete who stops during tests, how to train your group to know what their upper limits are and ways to use visualisation to manage the pain barrier and external factor response.

Parents and coaches

Knowing that many coaches who get this newsletter also work with juniors, we are going to take the topic of working with parents in the next Coach Mastermind zoom. Initial concepts include

  • Expectations from the coach to a rowing parent
  • Setting and managing boundaries
  • Parental contracts
  • How to manage vulnerable people who don’t have communication skills
  • Don’t let the decisions be made by the loudest voice

Sporting Parent article #2

John Parker (a former international cricketer and sports management expert) wrote an article series for sporting parents about their role and how they can support their children. Here is the first part of his article. Please take it and share with your club, the parents and your coaching colleagues. It’s free, we just ask you to acknowledge it came from Faster Masters Rowing.

The Role of Parents in Sport

The major role of a parent is Support.

Most parents want to do as much as possible to help their children be the best that they can be and in so doing often put pressure on to their children that becomes unbearable and causes them to withdraw from the pressure situations or finish participating altogether.

Often parents are never aware of this situation as the family never complain or let the parents know, as they do not want to hurt them. They understand they were only doing their best and the easiest way to solve the whole issue is to withdraw.

This is the case with some many young people who never realise their potential and adults think what a shame it is and only if this or that had happened.

The facts are that most felt under pressure from parents or adults and felt they could not be sure of coping so, instead of letting parents down, they make excuses to withdraw and find something else to do where their parents were not involved and would not feel disappointed.

Support means many things.

  • It might mean that you have the vehicle available whenever it is required but you must never make out or be heard to indicate that the time taken to support or transport young people around is a burden. Young people never really want to be the reason for any problems at home and hope that all enjoy the involvement as much as they do or want to.
  • It may mean listening to endless ‘replays’ of how this might have happened ‘if only’. ….

Looking forward to seeing you on the Mastermind call,


In our coach community…

Faster Masters website has a forum section where we chat with other masters rowing coaches.

It’s free to join the community – you have to register (log in) onto the Faster Masters website.Reader

Please introduce yourself (where you coach, who you work with) and share a photo of your waterway and your athletes.

They come to LTR wanting something for themselves.
Philip Petch, Cambridge RC, New Zealand

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