
Make Winter Ergs Fun

Motivation is tough in winter, especially if we can only train on the indoor rowing machine.

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01:00 This Past Week – what we do to advocate for masters rowing.

Marlene’s article in Rowing News Magazine e-news – Self improvement 101

05:45 Masters Rowing Survey This will take 10 minutes max. It’s a global survey on the state of masters rowing and is multiple choice, mostly.

Make winter ergs fun

Make your erg work up into a series of mini challenges

  1. Variety – build your erg work into a circuit.
  2. Aerobic medley with 10 minutes on each gym machine.
  3. Do core exercises in between erg pieces
  4. Set up some good music playlists
  5. Target your countdown to a bribe which you’ll enjoy
  6. Shower room count the clothes hooks around the room
  7. Have an accountability partner.

16:00 Erg exercises you won’t have tried before

Alternate exercises on the erg

  • Face Pulls – high rowing up to your eyes with the handle – draw your scapulas together.
  • Pallof Press – sit sideways on the seat and hold the handle in both hands, rotate side to side. Good for sweep rowers.
  • Erg Posture Drill – in the Faster Masters Land Training Module reference material.
  • Rowing Up Hill – put a crate or aerobics step under the front leg and use this to control your slide

Stay on track during the holidays

20:00 Staying on track during the holidays. Plan to train.

Keep the intensity up 2-3 times per week. Shorter workouts

Go to the party but plan to train the next day. Don’t worry about going off track. Have fun.

Be measured if you choose

Listen to the podcast.

Further resources