
Square Blades Challenge Lesson 3

Our third episode to help you master rowing square blades. Three drills to build your skill and confidence.


01:00 The finesses you need to get confident doing square blade rowing and sculling. Start with episode 1 to get the early drills. The set-up is critical to getting stability before you try the advanced drills.

02:00 Three on one off drill

Do 3 strokes square then 1 feathering.

Get boat speed from the feathered stroke. Try the other way around if you are less confidence. Commit to the square stroke; don’t give yourself an “out”. When you do the square stroke, leave the blade on the square. Check your hands nest through the crossover; check pressure down is equal on both hands.

04:00 the POINT of learning square blades

Square blades gives you the skill to control the blades when the water is rough. Time your entry and exit in isolation from squaring / feathering. Get more finessed with timing.

05:45 The Swinford Switch drill

Work in 10 stroke blocks; 10 strokes square on port; 10 strokes square on starboard; 10 strokes square on port etc. Do this as long as you can tolerate it.

07:30 Rebecca’s variant: 10 strokes normal rowing; 10 square stroke side (feathered bow side); 10 square bow side; 10 square on both oars; 10 strokes feathered again.

08:00 Marlene focuses on the feathered oar to keep concentration. Be aware of the correct weight in the hands so the oar is high enough off the water. The feathered hand sets the rhythm for you. You can hold the boat level with just one hand. Keep lateral pressure into the pins for the switch over stroke.

09:00 Pause at hands away then feather drill

Come out square and hold the oars square pausing at arms/body away. During the pause move to feather, continue the rest of the stroke. For bladework handling this is a really good drill.

Square Blades Challenge Lesson 2
Square Blades Challenge Lesson 1 (in case you missed it)