
Apps as alternatives for rowing electronics

Hello again Reader

Our club recently realised that the in-boat rowing electronics were getting elderly. I offered to investigate alternatives as well as get prices for replacements.

I also got this question from a Faster Master on the same theme

I am interested in the thingy for holding stroke-coaches onto standard wing riggers (stern-mounted), but I believe it would be more useful for a lot of rowers if they could mount an iPhone or android – a lot of rowers at our club don’t have a lot of call or the money for a proper stroke coach but would like to know once in a while if they are managing to get over the standard 18spm that Masters seem to universally row at.

Realising that most modern smartphones are fully waterproof nowadays, I chose to also investigate apps and phone mounts for rowing boats as alternatives to bespoke rowing electronics.

I know two people who do boat mounts for phones – the 3DRow folks who do 3D printed designs that mount over a wing rigger and Jonny Cantwell from The Flying Boatman.

Jonny’s mount slots into the foot stretcher adjustment groove, not over the rigger. And he can do a Quad Lock Mount which is what I use (the female part is stuck to the back of my phone case).

I hope that you can share this with your club and rowing friends to review.

Now I need to get back to my holiday…. I’m presenting medals at the San Diego Crew Classic this weekend. Best volunteer job – everyone is pleased to see you!


Our most recent podcast

Oars for different boat types. What set-up should you choose for larger and smaller boats and ways to make it easy to switch. Click the image to watch.

Boathouse Chat for the Weekend

The recent post about capsize drills and so on compels me to jump up on my hobby horse once more. It’s about so-called “safety” launches. I recently got my RYA Level 2 powerboat certificate, which is a requirement to be allowed to drive a launch in our club and in most others. I recognise that I need practice, but the two days of training is a step in the right direction. But when I’m sitting proudly in my “safety” launch what level of safety do I actually provide?

Join the group and take part in the discussion.

In praise of US Rowing

What will make masters rowing better?

This is a question I regularly ask – to athletes I meet, on LinkedIn, to clubs, coaches and clubs. The answers vary – and that’s important to remember because your unique situation isn’t the same as others’.

Looking at the structural impediments to masters rowing, I see clearly why masters struggle and get blocked from advancing their enjoyment of our sport. Importantly, I have recommendations for improvements (I don’t just collect complaints).

Since the start of 2024 I have been speaking with every Federation who will take my call and am learning more about how masters rowing is organised in each country.

The USA is currently the world leader in giving masters what they want. This federation has a masters newsletter, hosted a virtual masters conference and has just completed its first masters 4 day camp organised by Chris Chase. I had the honour of coaching at the camp alongside Al Morrow, Volker Nolte, Grant Craies, Lesleh Wright, Lindsay Shoop and Cassandra Cunningham.

I continue to want to speak to more federations – the ones I’ve met already include Belgium, Germany, USA, New Zealand. Can you help me by introducing your masters national representative?

Masters rowing photos

Click the image to see more masters rowing photos.

Whenever you are ready….

Here are ways Faster Masters Rowing can help you:

  1. Align your training to your physical capacity with a program
  2. Improve your technique in a single scull
  3. Make your rowing club masters-friendly
  4. Our services for rowing coaches

Need a rowing advisor “in your pocket”? Book your free 20 minute discovery call.

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