
Eating and rowing… and rowing and eating

Hello again Reader

Today I’m off down south to race in a town called Wanaka in New Zealand’s South Island. And so this will be a truncated opening article. I’ve still got to pack, to go to the Anzac Day dawn service (Veterans / Armistice Day event) and practice five racing starts in my single!

Club newsletters

Many club groups run a newsletter and I know it can be hard to pull together something of interest for every edition. Faster Masters Rowing has an archive of articles which we make available to anyone on one condition – that you say that we wrote the article.

To start getting one article a month, go to our Advocacy page and sign up – the first article will arrive immediately.

Keep your focus this week,


Our most recent podcast

Mobile phones are waterproof – so why not switch your rowing electronics for a phone app? We discuss ways to mount a phone in a rowing boat. Click the image to watch.

Boathouse Chat for the Weekend

I wonder if anyone could help… having returned to rowing my first goal is losing weight. My first month went very well as the low(ish) level exercise wasn’t demanding too many calories but now I’m back to 12k water or a 10k run or a 35k cycle and I need to eat everything in the house. Any tips to get me off the toast/biscuits/3 plates of pasta?!!

Join the group and take part in the discussion.

Bladework Technique vs Erg Technique

Remember our article from November last year? It was about how to plan your erg technique compared to your boat technique. And now it’s spring in the north, it’s time to do the reverse.

This article will help you build your bladework skills back in the boat.

Coach Carlos Dinares told me that he recalls being forced off the water in Bellingham, WA, USA by bad weather. After three days of indoor rowing the weather cleared and he was able to get back into his single scull. He was surprised at how sloppy his catch timing had become, after only a short time training indoors. He further explained that when he trained on a dynamic erg (he sells RP3 in the USA) he found that these “erg effects” were negligible. He was surprised how well his form was sustained.

The areas where fixed head ergs don’t replicate the boat movement show up most at the catch and the finish. At the finish, you can lay back a lot more on the erg and there’s no loss in speed (split) if you don’t sequence correctly on the recovery and separate hands – body – slide.

At the catch, the erg allows you to push on your feet and as long as your core is solid, the handle will follow your power push away from front stops. In the boat the preparation (squaring) and placement of the blade into the water has to anticipate this change of direction and push on the feet, else you are pushing air not water.

4 Drills to regain your boat skills:

When moving back to your boat from the rowing machine, there are some things you can work on to take your good erg training back into the boat…….

To read the rest of the article, it’s in the April Magazine subscription.

We did a hugely successful webinar with Jack Burns on coaching mindset and he had some techniques which you can easily incorporate into your coaching practice.

These include what to do for the athlete who stops during tests, how to train your group to know what their upper limits are and ways to use visualisation to manage the pain barrier and external factor response.

Masters rowing photos

Click the image to see more masters rowing photos.

Whenever you are ready….

Here are ways Faster Masters Rowing can help you:

  1. Align your training to your physical capacity with a program
  2. Improve your technique in a single scull
  3. Make your rowing club masters-friendly
  4. Our services for rowing coaches

Need a rowing advisor “in your pocket”? Book your free 20 minute discovery call.

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