
A mini website refresh – your views please

Hello again Reader

We’ve done a bit of redesigning on the Faster Masters Rowing website. If you have a minute would you take a look at our programs page? I want to know if it’s clear, can you easily navigate the detail of programs, webinars, free stuff, camps, ebooks and merchandise? Let me know what worked or could be improved please by hitting reply.

After writing about blisters last week Al Mackenzie sent this advice.
This an old school blister trick from my 60s twice/day college days
workouts that worked well for me for sweeps.

Take medical tape 1.5-2″ wide and double it over on itself – want a piece about 8″ long. Cut a finger hole at one end and then using the index and ring fingers lay them (2) over the palm. Fasten them with tape beyond the wrist doubled over too to capture the straps but allow some freedom to move. It was a good buffer for all the friction that was hard on the skin.

I am mostly sculling now and in my old age can’t pull hard enough to get a blister. Main thing is just being out on the water.

My moment of hilarity

This week was replacing a scull grip which had torn. It’s far more silly than any “as the actress said to the bishop” jokes.

Recently loads of newsletter subscribers downloaded the ebook on rowing blisters. I have many more ebooks. Which led me to think, should I be putting these out to the masters community? There’s an other ebook about how to change your scull grips, which is where I snagged the photo above.

Rock your rowing this week.


Our most recent podcast

Speed Murdering Mistakes – a mini series. Episode #1 Dragging your blades on the surface of the water. What causes it, how to overcome your fear of flipping and learn to overcome. Click the image to watch.

Boathouse Chat for the Weekend

How do you manage different shoe sizes in the boats in your club? In our club almost every boat has shoes in size 47/48 (EU) which is a huge disadvantage for us women… Do you have a good solution?

Join the group and take part in the discussion.

What you may have missed

I always know an event has gone well by the questions that get asked. I can see that insight and advice is going directly to the decision makers.

The Masters v Juniors webinar used a fictional club based in a town of 30,000 people. Starting with the top racing group the planning spreadsheet starts by asking “What can you realistically win?“. And works back from there calculating squad size, equipment, training volume down through the groups from winning > racing > learning to train > beginners.

You have to treat different segments of masters groups differently. A co-ordinator needs representatives from each group (A/B, C/D, E/F etc). We also discussed the ratio of coach to athlete and how this varies from a race team where 16:1 works down to entry level.

Dave’s sage advice about hiring a lead coach is not to expect them to both do 5 am and 3 pm outings – split that into two part time roles.

Watch the recording.

Epigenetic Leaderboard

This fascinating ‘contest’ is run by the Rejuvenation Olympics – where you win by never crossing the finish line. It’s a ranked list of individuals who have the largest age reversals. That’s the difference between your chronological age and your biological age.

They regularly get tested using phenotypically trained epigenetic methylation algorithms. Regular testing shows the direction of change.

Take a look at the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard.

Novos supplements are a common thread for some of the leading individuals who have actively slowed their aging like Julie Gibson Clark.

She doesn’t use expensive medical treatments, gadgets, or a team of scientists to “biohack” her age. She sticks to a vegetable-rich diet, exercises, and meditates. Her biggest health expenditures are a $27-a-month gym membership and a $79-a-month supplement subscription.

You can get $5 off your Novos purchase using the coupon faster5 at the checkout.

Masters rowing photos

Click the image to see more masters rowing photos.

Whenever you are ready….

Here are ways Faster Masters Rowing can help you:

  1. Align your training to your physical capacity with a program
  2. Improve your technique in a single scull
  3. Make your rowing club masters-friendly
  4. Our services for rowing coaches

Need a rowing advisor “in your pocket”? Book your free 20 minute discovery call.

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