
Rowing reading recommendations

Hello again Reader

Thanks to everyone who filled out our survey from last week’s newsletter. The results are in

This confirms my view that masters rowing is changing fast. The cohort who started rowing after age 40 is continuing to grow and are outnumbering those who rowed in their youth. This has giant implications for how our sport is organised at clubs, at regattas and by federations. The structural changes we need to make to enable masters to begin rowing in mid life show up in coaching, learning how to train, aging well, and the pathway to racing. I plan on addressing these in our Older Athlete and Aging conference in November.

Summer time rowing reading

If you want a book for the beach, take a browse through our Best Rowing Books page. I am reading the Greatest Rowing Stories Ever Told by Goran Buckhorn – a collection of stories and anecdotes. And my recommendation for a rowing novel is On the Water by HM van den Brink – beautiful writing in a book I didn’t want to end.

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Our most recent podcast

At mid-race you need a robust, repeatable stroke rate that is efficient. We discuss how to get your rate up and drills to practice getting confident at higher rates. Click the image to watch.

Boathouse Chat for the Weekend

Almost exactly a year since breast cancer diagnosis. This was my first big race back. So glad I entered. It was a momentous weekend full of thunder and lightning but so lovely to see familiar faces again. As usual it was brilliantly run and the volunteers were amazing. Just posting here in case anyone has gone through something similar and is nervous about competing again. A rowing friend said to me recently “ you’re overthinking this just do it!”

Join the group and take part in the discussion.

Masters Rowing Magazine discount

Special offer first month free using coupon MAGTRIAL.

Some say that magazines are going out of fashion – not in masters rowing. The Masters Rowing Magazine is our second most popular product. Each month you get 4 articles on topics relevant to masters rowers. Two months’ articles are visible at any one time so now you get May and June and in three days you’ll get July! Super good value.

July 2024 articles will publish on 1st July and include:

Learning how to use pressure is the performance article. It sets out how to deal with different types of pressure and makes recommendations for including pressure situations in training to help you learn how you respond and what to do.

We present eight drills to get a clean extraction at the finish for your technique article. Our goal is not to waste any energy and to optimise the moment of extraction timing.

Sporting injuries happen and you’ve probably had a few already. Our rowing lifestyle article runs through how to treat an injury and importantly what NOT to do.

Rowing sweethearts the Irish lightweight mens 2x are now legends for giving quirky interviews. Your bonus article shares the moments during the Rio Olympic regatta when the world heard the words “pull like a dog” for the first time.

Call for speakers – Older Athlete and Aging Conference 2024

This is the fourth time we’ve run the event and each year we are focused on how older athletes train, live well and compete.

  • Share best practice
  • Showcase research
  • Recommend tools, services, and products

Details of our past events, the speakers and topics are here so you can see what we’ve covered. This may give you ideas to update past presentations, build on them or contradict them (if the science changes….)!

Would you be a speaker at our 2024 event? The date will be Wednesday 6th November 2024 at 3 pm EST.

Hit reply and tell me that you’re interested and what you might talk about or what you’d like to hear others talk about.

Masters rowing photos

Click the image to see more masters rowing photos.

Whenever you are ready….

Here are ways Faster Masters Rowing can help you:

  1. Align your training to your physical capacity with a program
  2. Improve your technique in a single scull
  3. Make your rowing club masters-friendly
  4. Our services for rowing coaches

Need a rowing advisor “in your pocket”? Book your free 20 minute discovery call.

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