
Pelvic floor health for rowers

Hello again Reader

Masters rowing is a journey of learning and discovery. Yesterday I rewatched Baz Moffat’s talk about rowing and pelvic health. I recall how clearly she speaks and how much I learned about how this vital part of our anatomy supports physical movement. After watching it I changed three things in my regular life. I think you’ll also find it instructive both for aging well and also for managing your rowing training. I have added this into our existing Rowing Through Menopause webinar as bonus content (link below).

Each week I talk to coaches and rowers who are part of the Faster Masters Rowing community and hear what rowing is like where they live. So many similarities; so many differences.

I was discussing the huge growth in women taking up masters rowing and a coach friend described this as the “Post Title IX Generation“. For those outside USA this was federal civil rights legislation that prohibits sex discrimination in any body receiving federal funding. One of the outcomes of this was equal funding for mens and womens sport. Many more women and girls started participating in sport after this.

I would like to find out whether you came to rowing in your youth or whether you started later in life. Were you part of the Title IX generation or did your journey begin at a different time?

After you complete the poll it will show you the results.


Our most recent podcast

Being thirsty is not a good enough indicator that we need to drink. And training hydration is more than just liquids – it includes carbs and electrolytes. Save money with this home-made sport drink recipe. Click the image to watch.

Boathouse Chat for the Weekend

I am using a single scull and after watching a lot of videos, I’ve noticed that almost everyone has their left hand on top when they come back from the catch. My stroke and rhythm is more comfortable when my right hand is on top. Isn’t this just preference? 

Join the group and take part in the discussion.

Pelvic health for rowers

Doing your “kegels” isn’t enough to keep your pelvic floor healthy – join Baz Moffat as she explains how she had got to age 38, had been on an elite rowing programme and had birthed two children before she learned anything useful about her pelvic health.

Among rowers there is very little knowledge about what a female pelvic floor should be able to do.

We learned from Baz that athletes have worse pelvic floor function than the average population. This causes a range of issues (see below). But first we have to understand what is ‘normal’?

We do not know enough – let’s make it easy for us all to learn.

An in-depth review of all the detail you should know about your pelvis.

  • Pelvic floor for rowing – what should your pelvic floor be able to do and what is ‘normal’?
  • How to “cue” your core to strengthen and align with your breathing, your diaphragm and pelvic floor while rowing.
  • Bladder health – how often a day should you wee?
  • Bowel health – In mid-life we have a lot of stress hormones. If you don’t go to the bathroom regularly and excrete these hormones they get re-absorbed and stored around your middle as fat. That’s why mid-life women struggle to lose weight if we are stressed / sleep-deprived / constipated.
  • Strength and conditioning in mid life as part of looking after your pelvic floor.

This detailed 40 minute video has been added into the Rowing Through Menopause webinar. Designed for coaches and athletes before and after menopause, this is one of our most popular educational videos.

Use this discount coupon to get 15% off MENO1524. The coupon expires in a fortnight – don’t delay. Please buy and watch as a group – to split the costs. We are happy that more people get the knowledge and feel comfortable discussing pelvic health.

Masters rowing photos

Click the image to see more masters rowing photos.

Whenever you are ready….

Here are ways Faster Masters Rowing can help you:

  1. Align your training to your physical capacity with a program
  2. Improve your technique in a single scull
  3. Make your rowing club masters-friendly
  4. Our services for rowing coaches

Need a rowing advisor “in your pocket”? Book your free 20 minute discovery call.

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